Saturday, January 8, 2011


First Booklet About

1st July 1932:

Feast of the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ

At last, the forever blessed day which the Heavenly Father promised has come!

Today, the long days of preparation came to an end, and I felt close, very close indeed to the arrival of my Father and the Father of all men.

(Everybody may call Him “My Father”, because everybody is personally related to God.)

After a few minutes of prayer, I felt truly spiritual joys:  I was seized by a thirst to see Him and to hear Him.

My heart, burning with love, opened with such great trust that I realized that I had never before felt such confidence in anyone.

Thinking of my Father launched me into a state of childlike high spirits and exultation.
At last, songs became audible!

Angels came, and announced to me this happy arrival.  Their songs were so very beautiful that I decided to write them down as soon as possible.

For a moment this harmony was interrupted, and there appeared the procession of the elect, the Cherubim and the Seraphim, with God our Creator and Father!

I threw myself down, with my face to the ground, absorbed by the feeling of my own nothingness, I recited the Magnificat.

Immediately thereafter, the Father told me to sit down with Him and write down what He had decided to tell mankind.

All of His royal court had accompanied Him had disappeared.

The Father alone remained with me, and before sitting down, He said to me:

“I have told you before, and I tell you again: I cannot give my Beloved Son away again to prove my love for mankind! So it is because I love them and wish them to know my love that I am coming to be among them, adopting their appearance and likeness as well as their poverty.—See, I lay down my crown and all my glory and take on the appearance of an ordinary man.”

After having taken the attitude of an ordinary man by laying His crown and His glory at His feet, He took the earth to His heart, and holding it there with His left hand.  He sat down beside me.

I am hardly able to say anything about His arrival, the attitude He condescended to take and about His love!  In my ignorance I can find no words to express what He told me:

The Heavenly Father began to speak:

“Peace and Salvation to this house and to the whole world!

May my power, my love and my Holy Spirit touch the hearts of men so that all mankind may turn towards salvation and come to their Father, who seeks them to love and to save them!

May my Vicar Pius XI understand that days of salvation and blessings have come.  May he not miss the opportunity to call the attention of the children to their Father who comes among them to do them good in this life and to prepare their eternal happiness.

I have chosen this day to begin my work amidst mankind, because today is the feast of the Precious Blood of my Son Jesus.

It is my intent to immerse in this Blood the work that I have come to begin, so that it may bear great fruit for all mankind.

This is what I have really come for:

1.      I come to drive out the excessive fear my creatures have of me, I want them to understand that it is my joy to be known and loved by my children, that means, by all mankind now and in the future.

2.  I come to bring hope to all men and nations.  How many lost all hope long ago! Through this hope they will live in peace and security, while they work for their salvation.

3.  I come to make myself known as I really am – so that the confidence of men may grow together with their love for me, their Father, whose sole concern is to watch over all men and to love and to love them like my own children.

As the painter takes delight in contemplating a picture he has painted; so I have my pleasure and find joy in coming amidst mankind, the masterpiece of my creation.

Time is short – I would like man to know as soon as possible that I love him and that I find my greatest happiness in being with him and speaking with him as a father speaks with his children.

I am the Eternal One, and when I was still the only living being, I had already decided to apply my Almighty power to the creation of beings in my own image.  Before doing so, however, it was necessary to achieve the creation of the material world, so as to enable such beings to find means to live; for this reason the world was created! I filled the world with everything I knew men would need: the air, the sun and the rain, and the many other things that I knew men would need for living.

At last, man was created! I delighted in my work.  Man commits the sin, but right then my infinite goodness is going to prove itself.

In order to live among the human beings that I created.  I chose prophets in the Old Testament, to whom I communicated my desires, my pains and my joys and who were instructed to pass them on to all human beings.

The more the evil increased, the more my goodness urged me to communicate myself to righteous souls, so that they would transmit my orders to those who caused the disorder.  Sometimes I had to be severe to lead them back, not with the intent to chasten them—which would only have made things worse – but rather, to turn them away from vice and towards their Father and Creator instead, whom they had forgotten and scorned in their ungratefulness.  Later on, the hearts of men were flooded with the evil to such extent that I was compelled to send disasters and misfortune to the world, to purify man by the experience of suffering, destruction of his goods, or even loss of his life, so there came Flood, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the wars of man against man, and so on.

I always wanted to stay in this world amidst mankind.  During the Flood, therefore, I was with Noah, the only righteous man of that time.  Likewise during the other calamities, I always found a righteous man to stay with, and through him I stayed amidst the men of that time, and it has always been like that ever since.

The world was purified from its corruption may times by my infinite goodness towards mankind.  So I always continued to choose souls in which I took delight, in order, through them, to enjoy myself with my creatures, the human beings.

I had promised the Messiah to the world.  And I did everything possible to prepare the world for his arrival – by showing myself in the figures who represented him even thousand years before His arrival!

-          For who is he, the Messiah?
-          Where does he come from?
-          What is he going to do on earth?
-          Whom is he going to represent?

The Messiah is God.

-          Who is God?
God is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

-          Where does he come from? Or rather: Who ordered him to come and stay amidst mankind?
It is I myself who gave him this order – his Father, God.

-          Who is he going to represent on earth?
His Father.

-          What is he going to do on earth?
He will make men know and love the Father. God.
-          Did he not say:
-          “Did you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?”
-          “I merely came to accomplish the will of my Father.”
-          “Everything you ask of my Father in my Name will be given to you.”
“You will also pray to him:  ‘Our Father who art in heaven, etc….’

And further, since he has come to glorify the Father and to make him known to men, he says:

“He who sees me sees my Father.”

“I am within the Father, and the Father is within me.”

“No one comes to the Father except through me!”

“Whoever is with me is also with my Father”, and so on.

Draw this conclusion, mankind, that for all eternity I have had but one desire: to make myself known to men and to be loved by them, for I wish to stay with them forever.

Do you want authentic proof of the desire I have just expressed? Why did I order Moses to build the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant, if not because I always felt a burning desire to come to live with my creatures, the human beings, like a father, a brother, a trusting friend? Nevertheless, they forgot me, they committed innumerable offenses against me.  And to make them remember their Father, God, as well as his unique desire to save them, I gave my commandments to Moses, so that all men, being requested to observe them, would be able to remember the Father, who is infinitely good and fully committed to their salvation in the present time and in eternity.

All that, however, sank into oblivion then, and men fell prey to error and fear, finding it hard to observe the commandments I had entrusted to them through Moses.  They invented their own laws in conformity with their vices, laws they could observe more easily.  Little by little, in the exaggerated fear they fell of me, they forgot about me again and heaped abuse on me.

However, my love for these human beings, my children, had never ceased.  Nevertheless, when I had determined that neither the patriarchs, nor the prophets had been able to make me known to and loved by mankind, I decided to go myself. But how was I going to do it, to appear in person among mankind?  The only thing I could do was to go myself, in the second person of my Divinity.

-          Would men recognize me?
-          Would they listen to me?

For me there was nothing which would be hidden in the future.  Therefore I could answer these two questions myself:

‘They will ignore my presence although they will be very close to me.  Through my Son, they will mistreat me, in spite of all the good he will do them.  Through my Son, they will slander me, they will crucify me to kill me’.

-          Will I stop my plans because of that?
No, my love for my children, the human beings, is much too great.

I did not stop at this stage; but I ask you to recognize well that I loved you, so to say, more than my Beloved Son, or to say it more clearly still: more than myself.  What I have just said is so true that, even if it had sufficed for one of my creatures through one life and one death like the life and death of my Son to expiate the sins of all other human beings, I would have hesitated.  Why? Because I would have betrayed my love by making another creature suffer that I love, instead of suffering myself through my Son.  I would never have wanted to make my children suffer in that way.

This is, in short, the story of my love until my coming through my Son, amidst mankind.  Most men know all these events well, but they fail to appreciate the essential point of them:  They do not know that it is love that has decreed all of this.

Yes, it is love.  This is exactly what I wish to draw to your attention in the history you have just read.

Well, this love has been forgotten.  I want to make you recall it in your minds, so that you will learn to know me as I am.  So that you will not be fearful like slaves towards a Father who loves you to this extent.

You see, in this history, we have just arrived at the first day of the first century, and I would like to conduct it through to our time: the 20th century.

Oh! How much my fatherly love has been forgotten among men! Nevertheless, I love you so tenderly! Have I not done all that I could through my Son, that means, through the person of My Son Incarnate! Divinity in this human race is disguised, small, poor, humiliated.  With My Son Jesus, I lived a life of work and sacrifice.  I used to receive his prayers in order to offer man a well-paved route allowing him to walk on the way of justice always, so that he would safely reach me some day!